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The Smith Bee Lab welcomes researchers from all fields, whether you’re a biologist, computer scientist, engineer, physicist, or chemist. As long as you’re hard-working, dedicated, and curious, you’ll find a welcoming and productive intellectual environment. We work as a team, so please, no jerks.

Prior experience working with honey bees is not required.


Please contact me via email to discuss potential positions and funding possibilities.

Graduate Students:

Prospective graduate students will be able to interview in January 2021, with formal applications due to the Department of Biological Science in February, and a start date of August 2021. Given current conditions, however, there is some flexibility in timing, so please contact me if you’re interested in making special arrangements.

Graduate students will join a lively community of biologists within the Department of Biological Sciences (DBS). Applications at both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level are possible; application materials available here (Auburn does NOT require GRE’s - woohoo!). Please note that all students must have a faculty sponsor before submitting your official application (due early February), so if you are interested in joining the lab, please contact me via email beforehand.

When emailing me, please include:

  • Cover Letter with a brief description of your research interests and experience (~1 page)
  • CV, including your GPA, and contact information for professional references

Ph.D. students are strongly encouraged to apply for the NSF-GRFP, and I will gladly work with potential graduate students who would like to apply the year before starting graduate school (fellowship deadline in mid-October, lab interviews in January, DBS application due in February, begin graduate school in August). Auburn is unique, because GRFP recipients receive their cost of education as a research grant. This amounts to ~$12k per year, for three years, as your own personal research grant.

Undergraduate Students:

Going to be in Auburn over the summer? Consider applying for the Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (due early February).

There are many different ways to get involved in the lab. Please send me an email briefly explaining your research interests (1-2 paragraphs). We can follow up to chat about your interests and possible opportunities.

Love honey bees, but from an Agricultural angle?

Consider contacting Dr. Geoffrey Williams, in the Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology. Aka, the AU Bee Lab at Auburn University.